Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Maricopa County Superior Court and Buddy Fake Law Group pc

I assure you that this mathematically could not have occurred unless I am Godzilla. An epicenter has no width, no radius or diameter and is just a point on a planet and on a planet the size of this one there are more epicenter to choose from than there are grains of sand at sea. Before the Mesa Police department tortured me "'accidentally" on that same day I was "coincidentally" shot in my injuries four times I wrote the epicenter for this event one thousand times for those that would "accidentally" torture and or brand your brands with incompetence. I did this before I was tortured while in a four point restraint and before I was shot in the burn torture injuries from the Golfland incident where I was assaulted by Mesa Police during their investigation into a missing slice of pizza. I was then assaulted in the assault injuries as soon as I tried to photograph those injuries from the assault. Four times. Most likely because I was about to photograph the single most compelling cantaloupe size assault victim blisters a four pointed individual had ever sustained" but my dreams of capturing those blisters photographically were dashed when very successfully targeted by a driveby that then got away. Now before I was tortured on June 10, 2012 this natural disaster reportedly happened on March 11, 2011 costing forty billion dollars in insured losses paid. This was after I had warned it. This was after I was laughed at by many people warning it. This the costliest natural disaster ever world wide reportedly happened after I published the epicenter for it one thousand times. That is like winning all the Powerballs. This record forty billion dollar insured loss #costliest day ever specifically a "June 15, 1896" occurred after I published it's epicenter one thousand times individually. Do you understand me before they delete another facebook and five more twitters because killing me would be more obvious than leaving me alive? I published the epicenter 1000 times individually. I did this very creatively in ways they are still finding. I gave the height of wave exactly to the centimeters. My "June 15, 1896" specification names cities that were hit, casualties specifically "27,000 people celebrating Shinto" in quotes that I referred to in many published accounts as well and even hundreds of pictures with the "June 15, 1896" designation on them clearly with the eleven short music videos I published on YouTube also.

The Buddy "Fake" Law Group and Arizona Superior Court in Maricopa County- Old Courthouse #Competence #Commissioner Aryeh D. Schwartz are fake and they scuttled my lawsuit for nearly nothing right before my finally scheduled trial after my waiting six long years and even the little money they "settled" it for they then took from me anyway simply ruling me incompetent. I am the most competence these #CCrooks have ever encountered. It must be noted that ten days before I was tortured by Mesa Police I won my release in another court case from an "unrelated" Mesa police attempt to commit me when I was held for two weeks without criminal charges during which time the US Secret Service showed up and questioned me about my predicting earthquakes online. It must also be noted that just 2 weeks and 2 days before this costliest 3/11 earthquake ever on February 22, '11, the 2/22 Tuesday reportedly occurred as a second costliest natural disaster ever monetarily world wide that I also published the epicenter for hundreds of times as well. I did very creatively warn "Christchurch, New Zealand" earthquake hundreds of times including my publishing of the quote, "WHAT CHRISTCHURCH? EARTHQUAKE GOT YOUR TONGUE?" before the first 185 ever Christchurch, New Zealand earthquake fatalities ever and that was the quote I published that U.K. PM David Cameron resigned for with Proof. Do you want proof of that cat and proof of my competence too commissioner? Did George Washington change his birthday to 2/22 for you too exactly 222 years to the day of your birth too to establish my competence to commissioner aryeh d. schwartz as well?
Just Google September 3, 1752          ...for you branding my brands with incompetence.

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