Tuesday, July 17, 2018

When I correctly predicted the costliest natural disaster ever in great detail by epicenter using ten languages before it cost a quarter trillion dollars one day Jorge

Ten days after a Mesa Police failed attempt to have me committed for saying that I correctly predicted an earthquake online when Mesa Police arrested me and incarcerated me for two weeks without charges where I was questioned by U.S. Secret Service about my websites where I had correctly predicted an earthquake online I was then tortured by Mesa Police not “accidentally” or for a missing piece of pizza. I was tortured very much on purpose. This occurred June 10, 2012 after I published these tweets and while I was in their custody and in four point restraints tortured with third degree burns that had to be cut off of a third of my body or I would die. You need to understand that resisting the police is a physical impossibility from four point and my injuries can only be sustained by a very secure individual in four point restraints so secure in fact that you can even subject him to third degree burns and he will not budge a bit. Later that day when they tried to put me in jail the blisters became the size of softballs so the arresting officers were told to take me to the hospital. When I refused to sign the hospital paperwork to have the softball size blisters immediately removed and instead decided  to leave the hospital on foot very injured in order to photograph the injuries from the assault to take the pictures of my injuries I was then immediately shot in my injuries from a moving vehicle four times popping the blisters before the car sped off and got away. The video at the Circle K of the giant blisters was never recovered after many attempts from my “attorneys”. The day I filed the lawsuit they issued a felony warrant for my arrest for charges they knew I did not commit that were eventually dropped but only after my “lawyer” unselfishly willing to give up his 40% of the seventeen million dollar lawsuit had me sign a promise to pay another lawyer $30,000 who then advised me to plead guilty to the charges rather than risk prison but I said not guilty and they dropped the charges the next day. They made me wait six years and after winning a trial date finally scheduled a month away the lawyer settled the case against my wishes for nearly nothing and then had me ruled incompetent to take away from me even that. To this day I have no felony convictions in more than 18 consecutive years and I am the most competence these crooks will ever encounter. -The Dream Client   

14-17587 Managed Protective Services v. City of Mesa https://youtu.be/-mbme3N8sI4 via @YouTube   The #deadliest tsunami in recorded history,

1.   Sumatra, Indonesia - 26 December 2004 “Boxing Day” Earthquake and Tsunami   The 9.1 magnitude earthquake w/ the religiously strategic epicenter off the coast of the most Muslims at any point globally was not reported to have occurred on Christmas Day at Ground Zero w/ the 7:58 epicenter time & 230,000 non Christian deaths because American Airlines Flight 111 departed at 7:58 on September 11, 2011. 

This is where I correctly predicted the single costliest natural disaster ever in detail using ten languages before it cost the quarter trillion dollars one day before I was tortured.
Publishing  "June 15, 1896" before March 11, 2011 describes the costliest natural disaster ever world wide in great detail by epicenter with the fewest possible characters. 

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When I Predicted The Costliest Natural Disaster In Ten Languages. 2016 Japan Earthquake Tweets Before November 22, 2016 Japan Earthquake...